Elementary drop-off will be at the office doors for the remainder of the school year.

Reminder! The HS Student Council will be selling Valentines at the elementary and middle schools before classes start. Each Valentine is just $2, and extra order forms will be available. Don’t miss the chance to send a sweet surprise!

The phones in the Elementary office are still not working. If you need to reach the campus please email Ms. Crowley at dcrowley@sunraybobcats.net

The phones in the Elementary office are not working. If you need to reach the campus please email Ms. Crowley at dcrowley@sunraybobcats.net

Due to extremely low temperatures, Sunray ISD will be on a 2-hour delay for Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

The Jr High Basketball games schedule for tonight at home against Vega have been cancelled due to weather.

Calling all Sunray Alumni! Sign up to scrimmage our baseball boys on Saturday, February 1st. Following the game, a meal from The Plaza will be served.

This is the final week to save 25% sitewide in the Sunray High School Baseball Grand Opening Sale! As an added bonus, save and additional $10 on all 1/4 Zips today! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/BB90900
Sale Dates: January 14th - January 27th
25% off all merchandise
Free shipping on orders over $100
Use code: FAN516 at checkout to receive the discounts

A busy week of basketball is happening this week. We have also added the JH District tournament schedule for specific game times.

2023-2024 federal and state accountability reports are now available at the link below.

The JV boys basketball game against Vega has been cancelled. The other games will be played at the following times in Vega:
JV girls- 5:00
Varsity girls- 6:15
Varsity boys- 7:30

Due to the predicted morning temperatures for the coming days, we will continue morning drop-off at the Elementary office doors thru January 31st.

Interested in running for the Sunray CISD Board of Trustees? Today is the first day we accept applications for the May 2025 election. The last day to sign up is February 14, 2025.

The junior high district basketball tournament schedules are attached. The boys will play all the games in Sunray, and the girls will play all games in Stinnett.

Elementary drop off will be at the office doors again this week due to morning temperatures.

Tonight’s basketball games have been moved to tomorrow @ Spearman due to our gym already hosting the Sunray Youth basketball league tournament.
JV Boys @ 1:00
Varsity Girls @ 2:00
Varsity Boys @ 3:15

Due to the severity of road conditions, Sunray ISD will be closed on Friday, January 10th.
Decisions concerning the high school basketball games will be released at a later time.

Due to poor road conditions, Sunray ISD will have a 2-hour delay for Friday, January 10, 2025.

We are having issues with the phone lines. If you call and cannot get through please email the campus secretary.
Elem- dcrowley@sunraybobcats.net
MS- nescobar@sunraybobcats.net
HS- sjohnson@sunraybobcats.net

Middle School students will not be going to the high school for athletics. All middle school students will be dismissed from their campus.