Sorry for the confusion…..Freshmen will be taking their TSI and applying to AC at Freshmen Orientation next week M-W 12:30pm to 4pm.

HS Students, if you are planning on taking Dual Credit classes next year and have not applied to AC, please do that TODAY. The website is actx.edu. Email Ms. Jones if you need any help.
ALSO, if you still need to take a TSI, email Ms. Jones TODAY to schedule a time to come in and test.

August Summer Band Schedule for all 9th-12th grade band members:
August 3rd-August 7th
August 11th - Meet the Bobcats
Meet at the band hall at 6:00PM
If you have any questions or concerns please email Mrs. Nusz at katherine.nusz@region16.net.

Early Childhood- This year our 3 & 4 year old Pre-K students will be asked to provide a washable surface mat and a water bottle. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Early Childhood Director, Kayla DeHerrera at kayla.deherrera@region16.net

6th-8th Grade Supply List
All Elementary supplies will be donated except nap mats for 3 year old program and Pre K.

Attention High School Students!! Mrs. Traylor has opportunities for community service hours.
Elementary teachers are in need of help setting up classrooms.
High School needs assistance as well.
Email Mrs. Traylor at mtraylor@sunraybobcats.net or call the High School for details.
Get a jumpstart for the year and start collecting hours. Your service will be greatly appreciated by all, and it will help you on your scholarship applications.

First Cross Country team workout - AUG 3rd @ 8am -HS practice field!

Jr High and High School basketball workouts will be Wednesday and Friday at 8 am.

If your child will be attending Bobcat Den, the 3 year program, or Pre-K they will need a nap mat with a washable surface due to Covid-19. They will be able to bring a blanket but no pillows allowed.

All registration will be available online August 1st-15th. This is for current and new students.

Football practice this week for the HS and JH:
Wednesday through Friday 7pm - 8pm.
At the Hs game field.
Bring your own bottle of water!!!

Our new cheer squads performed for parents today. They did a wonderful job! Go Cats!

Sorry for the late notice but due to a schedule conflict there will not be Jr High workout tomorrow Friday July 10th.

Congratulations to the class of 2020. Good Luck on your future journey!

Our offices will be closed next week July 13-17 and will reopen Monday July 20th.

Mr. Harrison will be putting out a Facebook live video today at 1:00 with more information about the re-openings of the school year.

Please take the time to fill out our family engagement survey. We know Covid-19 changed the look for the 2019-2020 school year, but to please answer the questions based on the time the students were attending school.
Spanish Form:
English Form:

The UIL put out a recommendation today that all summer strength and conditioning workouts be put on hold until July 13th. We have decided to continue with workouts as scheduled. If an issues arise we will then re-evaluate the situation and continue on from there.

Class of 2020! Your check is ready! You or a parent may pick up the check at the high school today before 3:00pm.

Attention 2020 Seniors:
We are currently waiting on two reimbursement checks to be returned from deposits made for senior trip. As soon as we receive these we will print checks and let everyone know when they are available for pickup.